Happy Marriage Life Tips
Greetings of the day!! Myself Asharaf Ali Khan R from Salem, Tamilnadu. I have been living happy marriage life for the past 12 years. Below are few tips for happy married life. Happy marriage life tips. 1. Respect each others opinions and emotions. 2. Plan for future and career. 3. Don't argue on things which is not your concern. 4. Give time for healthy decisions. 5. Induct and learn new things. 6. Share work mutually both households and business. 7. Discuss and decide but don't enforce. 8. Never allow a third person to interfere between your decision. 9. Treat all relationships as yours. 10. Support each other during hard times. 11. Raise children equally without any bias. 12. Live simple life and also be a sample to others. Let it be Love or Arranged marriage; always keep lovely arranged life.. Thanks for the wonderful opportunity given to me by Match and Marriage.
30th July, 2019